Thursday, October 04, 2007

Bathtime! (Oct 1)

At dinner this night, Catherine refused to eat her carrots. After some tears, she finally ate them. She was rewarded with a small chocolate chip cookie for dessert. She LOVED the cookie. Here she is taking a bath after supper -- the mess on her face is the remnants of the cookie. :)

A colander hat?! :)

Daddy was watching her while I was finishing up the dishes -- he let her have LOTS of water in the tub! The more to splash you with!!! :)
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KY Weekend (Sept 29)

Here is our beautiful Catherine at my cousin Sam's wedding. (Thanks, Mela, for the beautiful dress!)

For some reason, Catherine didn't want to sit or stand still for me to get some pictures. :)

Grandma had fun blowing bubbles for the grandkids to pop. Do you see the bubble in this picture? It is close to the bottom of Catherine's pink skirt.
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Uh-Oh -- Spaghetti O! (Sept 2007)

I needed to give Catheirne a bath after lunch one day so I decided to just let her go to town on her spaghetti. Boy did she!

Here is Catherine saying "Uh Oh!" My little messy eater. :)
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Little Miss Dress Up! (Sept. 2007)

Catherine is really into playing dress up. She is especially interested in shoes. Here she is in Daddy's shoes.

And of course, Mommy's shoes.

One afternoon in the kitchen, she worked for about 10 minutes trying to get on these pajamas. She finally gave up.

Caught you! We found Catherine one evening IN her drawer pulling out clothes. We firmly said not to do that again (as we snapped pictures and tried not to laugh!). :)
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