Monday, March 02, 2009

Dress Up, Finger Paints and Bubbles! March 1-2, 2009

Catherine loves to dress up in her princess outfits. She especially likes Cinderella's dress. She decided yesterday that Claire wanted to play dress up too!

Claire makes the perfect 'Belle,' don't you think? :)

This morning during 'craft time' we finger/arm painted!

As a way to clean up, I filled the sink with soapy water for her to play in! She enjoyed making 'bubble soup.'
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Claire - 9 months old! March 1, 2009

Our sweet baby Claire is growing so fast. Here she is - 9 months old!

Sweet gummy grins - still no teeth - they should arrive soon (so says all the drool)!

She started 'army' crawling last week and loves getting into everything!
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SNOW!!! March 1, 2009

Now, don't freak out.  Yes, I am blogging!  I was going to try to back up and do old stuff, but that is too defeating right now.  Maybe later.  But for now, here are some pics to enjoy!

It snowed Sunday morning and actually stuck to the ground.  By the time we got out of church, though, it was mostly gone.  I was so sad b/c Catherine had not gotten to play in it yet.  So, I prayed and asked God to have left a remnant of snow in our yard somewhere for Catherine to play with.  On our way home, there was hardly any snow anywhere.  It was gone.  When we got to our house, the snow was all gone - except for a nice-sized remnant on our deck!!!  It was perfect for Catherine and Daddy to build a snowman, throw snowballs and even eat a little snow!  And Mommy and Claire got to enjoy it all from inside at the deck door!  :)  God was so sweet to us!!!
Our snowman - with a carrot nose, raisin eyes and buttons and a baby doll's pink hat - and arms from the bush in the back yard.  
Claire enjoyed the snow, too.  She liked to eat it -- really, she wanted more!!!  :)

After we came back inside, Catherine watched her snowman.  She kept saying that he was going to melt.  Aaron moved him to right in front of the deck door so that it was still in the shade and would last longer.  And it is sitll outside now.  There isn't any snow anywhere else, but our sweet snowman still stands -- his carrot nose and raisin eyes have fallen out, but he still proudly stands at our door!  :)