Friday, August 01, 2008

Bubble Time! (August 1, 2008)

Catherine loves playing outside on the deck.

She's actually really good at blowing bubbles. She works really hard at it. :)
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Claire - 2 months old (July 2008)

My how she has grown!

Holding her head up high!!!

Sleeping beauty

Happily stretching as she wakes up from a nap. :)
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My "Mini-Me" (July 2008)

Catherine honors me so much by wanting to do everything I do. It's sweet, but scary! :)

Here she is using the coaster holder as her camera. She holds it up to her face and yells, "Cheese!"

Catherine wearing my tennis shoes and sprinting/falling through the kitchen.

Ready to go shopping! Her bears and babies are in the cart.

Cooking in the cabinet! :)
I was cleaning out some gift wrap supplies and Catherine found this piece of hollographic tissue paper. She immediately grabbed it and took off for the kitchen. The next thing I knew she was using it to cover her pans (this cabinet is her designated cabinet that has a few kitchen items in it she is allowed to play with). We assume she is pretending it is aluminum foil! :) On this particular occasion, she has covered her pan and is placing it in the "oven." After that, she closed the oven doors (the cabinet doors) and starting pushing on the door with her fingers (as though she was setting the timer)! Isn't that precious!!!
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