Aaron's brother Andrew called us up on Saturday to say he had some Predators hockey tickets that he wasn't going to use. So we decided to take him up on the free ticket offer! We packed up (because we decided to go ahead and spend the night since it was a 7pm game) and headed to Nashville. About an hour into our trip, poor little Catherine threw up --and not just a little -- all over herself and her new covertible car seat! She was fine, though. I think she had just eaten too much before we left and then maybe she was strapped in a little too tight. She never ran a fever or had any other symptoms or fussiness. So, on we continued to the game. Catherine did great the whole time. It was quite loud in arena, but she didn't complain. We sat down on the ground level for the first few minutes and then moved up to our real seats so that we could get a wider view of the game. :) On our way to the Davis home in M.J. after the game, Catherine immediately fell asleep, which was good since we got stuck in traffic on I-40 for an hour! Once we got home, I fed her and then she went to sleep and didn't get up until 9am!!! But then, when Aunt Ashley got her up that morning, we discovered that she had leaked through her diaper! I was running out of clean clothes for her quick! I was already down to my spare, spare outfit! Luckily, we didn't have any more messy moments! It was quite an interesting 24 hours for us -- but definitely a fun, memorable 24 hours!
Daddy (or DaDa as Catherine says) and Catherine
Mommy & Catherine
Here's Catherine showing off her new Predators bike helmet that we got at the game. They gave them away to the first 4000 fans 12 and under! Doesn't it look great on her?! :) hee hee!!