Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Gulf Shores -Day 3 (Tues, June 19)

Well, the beach wasn't a favorite again, so we headed to the pool to try it out again. Aaron took her in the pool at first, and she hated it. So I sat her in her float outside the pool just to play. She LOVED her float! So, after a few minutes, we picked her up in the float and sat her in the water. At first she was a little scared (the water probably felt quite cold to her), but the she loved it!

I love this float because it had a good roof to keep my pale white baby in the shade. It also had a little place right in front of her that would hold water and toys so she could play.

Aaron, of course, loved both the beach and the pool!

We ate at Lambert's for supper -- the place where they throw the rolls. We all loved it. In fact, we liked it so much we ate there on our way out of town on Friday.
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