Friday, September 05, 2008

Yankee Stadium (August 2008)

And here it is! It is such a beautiful stadium. The pictures don't do it justice. This view is from the press box. The guys (and Aunt Lois) got up early Monday morning to stand in line to get tickets to take a tour of the stadium. I waited at the apartment with the kids until we for sure had the tickets.

The tour allowed us to visit the press box, walk on the warning track (but DO NOT touch the grass!!), visit Monument Park, and go in the Yankee dugout. If some of the players had not been there, we would have had access to the clubhouse.

Here's Aaron about to come out of the Yankee dugout and take the field -- well, not really. If they caught you touching the grass, you would be escorted out immediately. :)

If you look closely at the above picture (click on it and it should make it bigger), you can see that to the left of where Aaron is standing there is a little white mug-looking thing that has a baseball sitting in it. Well, we saw the ball just sitting there, so we asked one of the security people walking around with our tour group if we could have it. She said no. So, being the crazy Yankee fans that we are, we did not give up. We asked the other security guy and he said sure! We were thrilled! How cool to have a ball that was actually at Yankee stadium!! We were told that before the tour started, some of the pitchers, including Joba Chamberlain, were having a bullpen session. So who knows, this could have been one of the balls they used! :) But I'm betting it is one of Alex Rodriguez's homerun balls. hee hee!!

Aaron and Catherine in the dugout!
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Anonymous said...

Aaron looks like he is in "7th heaven," and no doubt, he is! If only he could have run the bases!! That ball cap looks so at home there. Glad you all got to take the tour.
Love, Mom

Jonathan and Julie Davis said...

Wow! Holy Ground! I can't believe they are tearing it down!

So glad you got to go!!!