Monday, July 02, 2007

Making Catherine's 1st Birthday Cake!! (June 30)

We wanted to have a "Care Bear" birthday party, but evidently no one carries the decor in their stores anymore and it was too late for me to order stuff online, so we improvised. We sent out girlie "happy birthday" invitations and then added touches of Care Bear stuff to the party. So, we made a Care Bear Cake. Above, Aaron and Johnna with the cake, while our nephew Luke holds the inspiration for the cake, Bedtime Bear!

Ok, I couldn't help myself. This was extra cake, honest!!

The finished product (after Aaron took over the decorating -- didn't he do a terriffic job?!!!)!

Ready for the party! (Gummy Bears and all! -- in small bowl to the right)
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1 comment:

Daniel and Christy Davis said...

The cake turned out to be so cute! It tasted good too!