Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Guess What Grandma?

Catherine proudly wears her new T-shirt. The front says "Guess What Grandma . . . (Turn Me Around)"

The back says "I'm going to be a Big Sister!"

Baby Davis #2 is on the way!

Ultrasound picture at 8 1/2 weeks in pregnancy!

Another view of the baby at 8 1/2 weeks.

Expected arrival: Early June!
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Daniel and Christy Davis said...

Hooray! I'm going to be an Aunt! It never is less exciting even though this will be number 9 for me!

I'm glad it is out in the open...I got scared the other day thinking I had posted a picture of Catherine in her shirt, I had not but a moment of panic came over me!

Aunt Christy

Anonymous said...

We are so thrilled!! What an adorable way to announce your news. When you walked in with Catherine in your arms and she was wearing her special t-shirt, I saw the word "Grandma" and thought it was going to say something wonderful about her grandma!! I never dreamed it was going to be the GRAND announcement. Congratulations to you.
Love, Mom

Al and Jen said...

YEAH!!! Congratulations, Catherine!! We are excited for all of you!!

Melanie Davis said...

I have been checking for this pic! What a blessing! Both of your babies are absolutely precious!


Anonymous said...

Congratulations!!!! I knew it was about time for another announcement! It was great to see you guys at church!

Robbin & Kim

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear of your great news. Best wishes for the pregnancy!


Jesse E. Hunter said...

Great news, guys-congratulations!

We're doing an MJ dinner at O'Charley's (Providence) on Dec.22nd at 8pm if you're in town and available. I know you must have a lot going on, but we wanted to you know that you're INVITED. I don't know Andrew's email, so please pass it on to he and Ashley? Thanks!
Have a great holiday. ~Jesse