Tuesday, May 01, 2007

I'm Stuck! (April 21)

Catherine was playing with her Easter basket and somehow got tangled in it!

She had a difficult time trying to figure out how to get out!

I'm not sure who won - the basket or the baby! :)
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Unknown said...

Poor baby! But how cute! Just how did she manage to get in that predicament? Thanks for sharing these new pictures.
Love, Mom

Aaron, Johnna, Catherine, Claire, Amy Kate and Emily said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Aaron, Johnna, Catherine, Claire, Amy Kate and Emily said...

I don't know how she got into the basket. How does she get into half of the messes that she does? Do you remember this happening, Mom? I was on the phone with you when I took those pictures!

Aaron, Johnna, Catherine, Claire, Amy Kate and Emily said...

Just an FYI, I deleted the above comment (which was mine) b/c there was a type-o. I didn't want you to think someone wrote something bad or that I just go around deleting comments! :)

Al and Jen said...

I am glad that I scrolled down to read all of your comments, Johnna. I was just about to call you and ask what some wierdo wrote! Love you, Jen

Poor Catherine.....her mommy reaches for her camera instead of helping her out of this mess!! Is that a true scrapbooker/photographer or what!!

Unknown said...

Yes, I remember it happening and you said Aaron was taking her picture. So, it's just like I was there!! Glad you explained the deleted comment. I, too, was wondering what had happened.
Love, Mom

Melanie Davis said...

T'm glad somebody else takes pictures of their child in distress!