Monday, May 05, 2008

Catherine's 1st Hairbow! (May 2008)

On Sunday, Catherine wore her first hairbow to church! She loves to put things in her hair, but until now, I have never sent her out of the house with anything in her hair. Melanie gave us a bag full of hairbows to use. Catherine was thrilled. Whenever we go over to "Sophie's" (as Catherine call's it), she always asks for a hairbow -- probably b/c Sophie always has one in.

We were impressed how well she did wearing it. The nursery worker said that during the church hour she never took it out. I'm not sure about the SS hour. :)

Catherine still doesn't have much hair to use with the bow. It is kinda hard to make her sit still to put it in (and make it look right). Of course as soon as I put it in, she wants to touch it which makes it move around or messes up the hair that is in it. I guess I'll get to practice more now that I have some hairbows to use.
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Anonymous said...

I love the bow!! Aren't they fun?!? : )
If Anna notices hers she will pull it out so she can chew on it!!! : )

Anonymous said...

What a cutie!! I have a feeling she will be wearing a bow with every outfit now. I can see why they may be hard to stay in since her hair is so fine. I was curious about the yellow band on her ankle, but when I zoomed in I could see it was her ID tag from the church nursery. Neat idea. Glad we got to see you in the picture, too, Johnna.
Love, Mom